
Date & Time: 2024-09-08 04:01

You are assessing:

Current project stage:

Assessment Overview:

There are four parts to the assessment with three questions each. You will be given an overview of your answers and a summarised report upon completing the assessment.

Part 3 - Social Impact

Optimising the project's contribution to broader social, environmental and economic outcomes, such as democracy, transparency, accountability.

Projects inevitably have unexpected societal ripple effects. Decarbonising transport can bring co-benefits such as clean air and well-being, but also negative unanticipated consequences. For example, increased home-working can intensify worker surveillance. To what degree are co-benefits, unanticipated consequences, ethical or wider societal implications considered?

Tick the option that most closely describes this aspect of the project.

High (e.g. There are clear processes to reveal and consider a wide range of wider consequences.)
Medium (e.g. The project considers some, but not all of these aspects.)
Low/I can't tell (e.g. There is little attention to potential co-benefits or harms.)