
Date & Time: 2024-09-08 03:23

You are assessing:

Current project stage:

Assessment Overview:

There are four parts to the assessment with three questions each. You will be given an overview of your answers and a summarised report upon completing the assessment.

Part 2 - Social Justice

Embedding consideration of equity, inclusion and fairness, engaging a wide range of stakeholder views in the project's design and development.

What level of active engagement with stakeholders has there been at this point?

Tick the option that most closely describes this aspect of the project.

High (e.g. There is a co-design process and a degree of stakeholder ownership of the design.)
Medium (e.g. Stakeholder consultation is an integral part of the design, but engagement is low.)
Low/I can't tell (e.g. There is little engagement, or it is unclear what engagement there is.)